
Thursday, October 27, 2011

I've been trying to decide what to blog about for the last two days. You think i'm joking, but i'm not. why it matters since no one reads this thing anyway? your guess is as good as mine.

so we'll chat about Capernaum first, yeah?
first things first: turns out it's ca-per-NEE-um. not ca-per-num. go figure. chances are that i'll split those two pronunciations 50/50. sorry ahead of time for my inconsistency.
Capernaum has kind of exploded. through no doing of our own, we have had such an incredible response to this ministry and it's overwhelming. we held an informational meeting at LifeStyles (a corporation that helps college aged (and above) people with disabilities become functional and independent members of society). Out of 19 students and families emailed, there was a response from eight of them. They'll be coming to a bowling event next week and we're taking at least one of those 19 to Polar Bear weekend in two weeks, maybe more.
The Lord has been so good to us.
He blesses us beyond what I can comprehend.
beyond what we deserve.
I'm speaking for myself here, but I'm confident Jonathan and Brittany would agree that the Lord is blessing and using this ministry in spite of our inadequacies. He is turning those inadequacies into spectacular displays of His majesty and power. it's such a blessing to be a part of.

I volunteer with a Special Olympics choir in Rogers and we had our first official meeting yesterday. There was a girl there named Katie who I had met before once or twice. When she found out that I remembered her name, I suddenly became her best friend! She held my hand and led me to seats right next to each other. A few minutes later, she put her arm around me and hugged me for at least 10 minutes during our meeting. All because I remembered her name.
On the long drive back to Fay (it's not thaaat long) I was thinking about just how beautiful that moment really was. I have done nothing to deserve Katie's affection. I haven't proven myself in any way. and she doesn't need me to.

This is why i think capernaum is so beautiful:
because i went into this choir thinking that I would be able to serve and bless my friends with disabilities but they ended up serving and blessing me beyond what I think I could do for them.
Katie showed me a picture of the gospel in a matter of moments. She showed me unconditional love. and in my opinion, that's the gospel in a nutshell; unconditional, relentless love.
He knows my name. and He delights in when I call His name.

I've been going through Jesus Calling ever since the most precious woman ever, (Karen Bonner: seriously y'all, she's such a blessing) generously gave it to our small group. The other night the devotional was over what we take delight in. and how the Lord takes delight in us when we take delight in what He's given us.

I have a list of things that make my heart smile that grows constantly, but here are a few things as of late that delight me:

baking: okay. i know how silly that sounds. but seriously. make all the woman jokes you want to, but life is just better in the kitchen. i like to bake delicious things. and i like making things that people enjoy.

Young Life: cliche, no? but real talk: i wouldn't be who i am right now without Young Life. the Lord has so graciously gifted me with this community of people that i can be ridiculous with and with whom i can also pretty much bear my soul and still feel completely loved and accepted and appreciated. I think heaven might be a little bit like young life. but i might have a smallish bias.

I delight in my roommate, she is a beautiful woman of the Lord that challenges me to be better. I delight in drinking milk out of coffee mugs, and singing Adele as loud as I can. I delight in dance parties even though I'm the worst dancer I know. i delight in the leaves changing colors in Fayetteville and mailing cookies to friends that live out of town. I delight in sleeping in and listening to people laugh and having girl talk with Keegan. The list goes on and on.

God has been so good to me. and I think that's why it was so difficult for me to blog. because i usually blog complaints, which i apologize for.
but right now? in this very moment, I couldn't be more joyful.
I am content. life doesn't suck, and it's not being turned upside down. the Lord isn't revealing to me that His plans are a complete 180 from my own (though i'm sure that's coming).
I am full.
God is present and what more could I possibly ask for? The Lord of all creation is madly in love with me. He takes delight in me.

and i delight in Him.

"The Lord your God is in your midst, a might one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing." -Zephaniah 3:17