Well, here it is, the cliché first blog of the New Year.
Don’t worry, I’ll blog again soon about more interesting
I just think I need to get this one out of the way first.
New Years Eve is always kind of exciting to me.
This year I got to spend it at Crooked Creek Ranch with some
of my high school young life friends, but more on that later.
The New Years Eve party at CCR was kickin.
One thing I love about Young Life is that we know how to
party and we’re not afraid to do it big.
I didn’t really have time to think about resolutions because
I was:
1. Raving.
2. Hanging out with some super cool girls. And
3. In a car from 730am-1230am the following day.
However, today, on my drive back to OK, I got some quality
thought time.
I was thinking about the person I always assumed I would be,
the person I always wanted to be, and the person I actually am.
Those thoughts triggered my list of new years resolutions,
12 to be exact, one for each month. And those resolutions are as follows:
1. Run a 10k.
I plan to do this on Saturday, April 12, 2012 in the Remember the 10 run in Stillwater. This is more of an introductory resolution to a bigger item on my bucket list “run a half marathon.”
I plan to do this on Saturday, April 12, 2012 in the Remember the 10 run in Stillwater. This is more of an introductory resolution to a bigger item on my bucket list “run a half marathon.”
2. Record a demo.
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to play music. I started writing songs a while ago. I started playing these songs for my friends a few months ago. I started playing these songs at shows not too long after that. Might as well have these songs of mine on some sort of recordable/replayable hardware.
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to play music. I started writing songs a while ago. I started playing these songs for my friends a few months ago. I started playing these songs at shows not too long after that. Might as well have these songs of mine on some sort of recordable/replayable hardware.
3. Grow a pair and
send that demo to a recording studio.
never know unless you try. So here goes nothing…
4. Make all A’s and B’s.
a lofty goal for most people, but I had a pretty rough time last semester,
gimme a break!
5. Do something
I know. But when the time comes, I’ll know what to do. I never want to be
predictable. I never want to live life the way others expect me to. I want to
take chances, and risks and be surprising and spontaneous. I plan on completing
this resolution more than once in 2012, after all, it’s supposed to be the end
of the world, right? Might as well go out with a bang. (DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT
6. Invent a recipe.
outside of the box. I love to bake, but it’s about time I tried my hand at
going off book and making something truly
from scratch.
7. Do something that
scares me.
goes hand-in-hand with number six. I’m not a very big risk taker, but I want to
be. I want to do things that scare me because if I don’t, I’ll never know what
I missed out on. And I don’t want to miss out on anything. (NOTE: sending my
music to a recording studio will not count as doing something that scares me.
Even if the thought alone makes me want to poop.)
8. Journal more.
absolutely horrible at consistent journaling. I want to be able to look back at
my life in 10, 20, 30, 50 years and be able to remember exactly what was
happening, exactly what I was thinking, and exactly how I was feeling by
reading old journals.
9. Get fit, eat
not unfit, but I could be better. I’m not unhealthy, but I could be better. I
want to live a long, healthy life. This is step one.
10. Be more bold;
tell people how I feel.
scares me how many people probably don’t know how much I care about them. This
resolution is two sided. I want people to know how much they mean to me. I
think that a lot of times I have scared people off, or unknowingly pushed them
away because I’m bad at vocalizing how I feel. If I like a guy, I’m not going
to be ashamed to tell him that I think he’s supa fly. Not a week should pass when I don’t tell my friends how
grateful I am for them, and how much they bless me.
11. Travel.
again, get over it. God has given us this whole world to enjoy. I feel like I’m
taking it for granted by not seeing as much of it as I can while I can. So this
year I want to see more and do more with what He’s given me to enjoy. I don’t
know when or where or how this will happen, but when it does, I’ll take full
advantage of it.
12. Write a song that
makes people cry.
want to write something that means something. I want to be able to say what
people feel but are too afraid to express themselves. I want to sing about
things that people don’t even realize they can identify with until the moment
they hear it. I want my music to pull on people’s heartstrings. I want to make
a difference. I want to make people cry.
So there you have it. 12 resolutions for 12 months. We’ll
see how this goes.