"And the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush.
He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed.
And Moses said, "I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned."
When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!"
And he said, "Here I am." Then he said, "Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."
Exodus 3:2-5
Clearwater Cove in Lampe, MO. is the site of a future full-service Young Life camp. This weekend I had the pleasure of attending college weekend there for the third year in a row. Something different happened this year, though.
Saturday night we all gathered around a bonfire overlooking Tablerock Lake. Jud Jones called the group to attention and told us of plans for the camp. He told us that where we were standing was the site of the future club room. The place where, for years to come, the gospel would be preached to kids from all backgrounds, all walks of life; kids whose biblical background is as varied as their names. I had the sweet, sweet privilege to pray over this place that will be instrumental in changing lives in the same way the Lord used Frontier Ranch to meet me where I was.
As we prayed for funds, campers, leaders, summer staff, work crew, assigned team, and Jesus to show up in huge ways I thought, this place where we are standing is holy ground.
Maybe Jesus met someone for the first time at Clearwater this weekend. Maybe in those 15 minutes under the stars Saturday night someone took off their sandals and walked onto the holy ground and met with Jesus face-to-face for the very first time.
Maybe someone let Jesus reach down to them, they let Him close the gap between Heaven and earth for a little while and rested in His promise that they are not alone.
Maybe for the first time someone allowed Jesus to heal them of their hurt.
Maybe someone allowed Jesus to let their past stop wrecking their present and entered into the holy ground.
It's hard to say for certain, but I do know one thing, it won't be the last time that the gap between Heaven and Earth is eliminated and Jesus reaches down into our lives; enters straight into our mess; loves us as we are.
Where ever you happen to be right now is holy ground.
And I'll admit I'm terrible at recognizing it.
I want to take my sandals off and stay for a while.
And He doesn't always come in a burning bush with a booming voice from Heaven. Sometimes He's a whisper in the wind. He's in a look, or a smile, or a laugh. He's in the leaves and the changing seasons. He's in my insecurities and my fears and my uncertainty. He's in my dreams and my hopes and the moments that fill me with inexplicable joy.
More often than not I run away because I'm not worthy to walk on holy ground.
And "we accept the love we think we deserve."
So I run from Love that takes me as I am. Love that doesn't ask questions and doesn't make demands and doesn't hold back. I can't accept nor can I understand Love that is relentless and unending.
And just because I can't recognize or accept it, the ground on which I stand is no less holy.
I will take off my sandals.
I will sit for a while.
I will let Jesus enter into my mess.
I'll allow Him to stop my past from ruining this holy ground that I'm running from.
And I will let Jesus reach down and lessen the gap between Heaven and Earth for a little while longer.
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