
Monday, February 28, 2011

Theory on Disney Movies

This past weekend, I have watched a record number of disney classics. Including Sleeping Beauty, Hercules, 101 Dalmations, and The Emperors New Groove. I love disney movies. And I'm kind of upset with myself about how I've over analyzed them in this time. I was just thinking about things.
The difference between Disney movies from my childhood and the present day ones seems to be woman's independence. Gone are the days when it acceptable for a woman to be pursued by a man, to be rescued by him. I think that the values instilled in my childhood were formed, in part, due to Disney movies. I want to be rescued. I want to be pursued. I want to be saved by a handsome prince on a white horse. What's wrong with that? Does that make me unassertive? Do those desires make me old fashioned and a pushover by today's standards of what women should do and want for themselves?
I have dreams, yes. I will do almost anything to achieve those things. But one of those dreams is to be rescued by a knight in shining armor; to be swept off my feet and saved from peril danger by a man who loves me deeply.
The great news? I already have been.
I am saved. I've been rescued from extreme peril, the peril of my sin. And my knight will never disappoint me. I bet God is pro Old school Disney classics because of the desire it gives us girls to be saved. And there He is, ready to save.
I would like to say that this alleviates my desire to have a disney-esque romance but it doesn't. I still desire the earthly version.
but the Heavenly version is SO much better. 

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